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Struggling with oily hair? 👩🏻‍🦱
We’ve got a tip for you! 💯🥚

Egg whites are usually recommended to remove excess build-up on the hair, which can help with treating oily hair. 🥚
Here’s a step-by-step method:

Take half a cup of egg whites and apply to clean, damp hair.
Leave on for 20 minutes.
Rinse the hair with cool water to remove the mixture.
Shampoo hair as normal.

#Eggwhites #EggsMore #Oilyhair
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Struggling with oily hair? 👩🏻‍🦱
We’ve got a tip for you! 💯🥚

Egg whites are usually recommended to remove excess build-up on the hair, which can help with treating oily hair. 🥚 
Here’s a step-by-step method:

Take half a cup of egg whites and apply to clean, damp hair.
Leave on for 20 minutes.
Rinse the hair with cool water to remove the mixture.
Shampoo hair as normal.

#Eggwhites #EggsMore #Oilyhair

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Ali Yaah

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Give your children a nourishing and delicious breakfast before they get back to school on Monday. 🍳🧇🍽️

#Eggs #Breakfast #EggsMore
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They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Give your children a nourishing and delicious breakfast before they get back to school on Monday. 🍳🧇🍽️

#Eggs #Breakfast #EggsMore

We are proud to announce that we are now HACCP certified.

#Foodsafety #Healthy
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We are proud to announce that we are now HACCP certified.

#Foodsafety #Healthy

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Great. May I know from which firm you got certified?

Congrats to you and your team for making this happen 🎉🎊



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Happy International Macaron Day! 🥚
Macarons have an immense history in French culture and are known for their unique texture, yummy flavours and wonderful colours.

#EggsMore #InternationalMacaronDay #Eggwhites
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Happy International Macaron Day! 🥚 
Macarons have an immense history in French culture and are known for their unique texture, yummy flavours and wonderful colours. 

#EggsMore #InternationalMacaronDay #Eggwhites

Joyeuses pâques à tous. 🥚🐰
#EggsMore #Easter #Eggs
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Merci a toi aussi ma chérie

Joyeuses Paques a toi et Maryse!

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