In line with the progress and development of both the farming practices and the special care given to the hens, Golden Lay has achieved international standards the past years. All steps along the production chain are up to standards of good quality management and food safety.

In order to meet the food safety requirements such as traceability and AFNOR Certification, Golden Lay has established various monitored control points to maintain the Food safety standards.

.Our production steps.

1. Eggs are collected from barns via conveyor belts
2. Eggs are transported to the packing room
3. Eggs pass through the candling booth for detection of cracked and dirty eggs
4. Eggs are printed on for traceability
5. Eggs are automatically graded into, Jumbo, Large, Medium and Small
6. Eggs are packed into food grade paper-wood pulp packaging
7. Eggs are stored prior to delivery
8. Eggs are delivered in temperature-controlled trucks



The Starponte label is an entity of the Livestock Feed Ltd company of the Eclosia group. The label which has been validated by the French standardisation body AFNOR helps to guarantee biosecurity and traceability standards for eggs and to promote sustainable development for breeders.

Golden Lay has been certified since 2016 and therefore complies with the specific standards validated by AFNOR.

At the same time, the specific standards established by Starponte also allowed us to form part of the “Made in Moris” label. This makes our pride as local producer. The label attesting the Mauritian origin of our brand allows consumers to better differentiate between local and imported products.


The freshness of our products remains our main priority. Our layer hens are fed with proteins and healthy fats within optimum conditions for fresh and nutritious eggs.

Our eggs also have a rich yellow yolk which is the result of the extracts of Marigold flower “Fleur de Tagetes” included in the hen’s diet. It provides a wide range of vital nutrients and health benefits including vitamins A, D, E and K along with omega-3 fats.

All packagings are stamped with the laying date.


Traceability is the term used to track each and every single egg produced on our farm in a fast, accurate and easy manner. A coded sequence is printed on each of our eggs with important information illustrated below. It is also the best tool to obtain provenance of our wide range of products.